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Ramblings of a Designer podcast

Nov 2, 2021

Thomas Girard is a Canadian scholar. Girard was accepted to attend the University of Oxford in lectures equivalent to graduate coursework. Girard has received several Emerging Scholar awards, first at the Design Principles and Practices conference in Barcelona, Spain at the prestigious ELISAVA. At Emily Carr University of Art and Design he received his second Emerging Scholar award. Other awards include RBC Emerging Scholar, Royal Bank of Canada Foundation. For 2021, he has been awarded an Emerging Scholar award from the New Directions in the Humanities conference in Madrid, Spain.

My TEDx talk:

My personal website, where you can get my book,  “Emerging Scholar”:

Ramblings of a Designer podcast is bi-weekly design news and discussion podcast hosted by Laszlo Lazuer and Terri Rodriguez-Hong (@flaxenink, insta: Facebook: Send us feedback!, Support us on Patreon!